Dedicated to Active Small & Mid Cap Equity Investing
Founded in early 2006, Highclere International Investors is a long-only international small and mid cap equity investment boutique. Head office is located in London and a marketing and client service office is located in Connecticut. Our sole purpose is to invest client funds in small and medium sized companies listed in markets outside North America. We focus on generating absolute returns for our clients over the long term, and are comfortable investing at the smaller, under-researched end of our universe. At Highclere we are very active in our investment analysis and travel the world seeking lesser known companies in which to invest.
We are an independent firm, owned and controlled by our partners, and associated with Silchester Partners Limited. We run two closely related investment programs which adopt a blended approach to the international small and mid-cap universe: an international smaller companies program launched in 2006 and an international SMID program launched in 2008. Both programs are offered via US domiciled commingled pools which are open to US and non US taxable and tax-exempt investors.
The firm is led by Ed Makin, CEO & Portfolio Manager, who is supported by a team of eleven investment professionals. Ed Makin has over thirty years of investment experience, more than twenty years of which have been dedicated to international small and mid cap investing. The investment team is supported by ten professionals dedicated to marketing, client service and operations.
Please contact us to learn more about the team and our investment process.